Why? My Brand Story.

rhubarb content writer

Is that the million dollar question? The question that is burning a hole in your brain. You know it’s important but really what is it and does it truly make a difference to my business and how it’s perceived?

I can empathetically say, ‘YES’! So important. Even if you don’t articulate it as a blog or on your website as part of your content using direct wording. The whole process of focussing in on your brand story can help you identify your ‘ideal client’ and therefore find it easier to recognise your customer’s journey. Answering your ‘why’ is so important to provide context for your business and your passion.

If you don’t ask yourself anything else, ask why:

  • Why did I start my business?

  • Why did I start my journey?

  • And, why should my customers care?

Guaranteed if you can answer these questions you’ll find a sense of clarity with how your ideal customer can see you now and how to shift their perception.

You can have the best product, and make sales. You can have the most valuable service, and generate leads. But if you give your ideal customer a reason to engage with your brand and ‘feel’ something (and still deliver a great product and service) you can turn them into the all important advocate!

Bring them in with your story, sell them on your product and service and keep them engaged with a great story. They will then talk about you with their friends, recommend your product/service, provide a great review and engage with you on social media.

Taking the time to pause and reflect on your why, your business and your customer can re-focus your thinking. Give a new energy to your content and increase your engagement.

Once you’ve paused and reflected. Maybe now is time to talk about your story? Use your story and your personality to influence your tone and voice. If you write content (blog, website or social media) and you can’t hear your own voice when you read it back, take another look at it. Your customers want to know there is a real person on the other side. You’ll get more engagement with real language and posing real questions than with stilted overly formal language.

Always remember there is no point trying to appeal to everyone. Better to talk to your ‘ideal customer’ well than everyone not so well.

Once you start this and your content and website have consistent language you might even find Google and Facebook get in line. When your engagement with your customers increase don’t think that Google and Facebook aren’t watching! Always write for humans first, and search will follow.

If you have any more questions about why your Why? is so important to your brand story journey, get in touch.

Jess x


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